Horsemanship and Hunter Seat Riding Instruction



 Lessons (scroll down for prices)

Wyndtree Farm offers private and semi-private instruction.  Everyone's first lesson at Wyndtree is a private lesson.  Students who have similar skill levels are welcome to ride in one of our semi-private lessons, which consist of two or three riders under the direction of one instructor/trainer.

Lessons are scheduled with one of our Full- or Assistant Trainers depending on the skills and needs of the individual riders and their horses.  We have a number of school horses available to suit the needs of riders at various stages and levels.  We also offer instruction to riders who own horses - either boarded at Wyndtree or trailered in.

Part of our emphasis on horsemanship involves learning how to properly groom and tack up a horse.  Students new to Wyndtree will spend the first part of their initial lessons learning these skills.  Once they've mastered basic grooming & tacking, students are expected to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled lesson time to get their horse ready.  Additionally, be prepared to spend some time after your scheduled lesson time to cool out and help take care of your horse

Wyndtree Farm offers several different week-long Summer Horsemanship Day Camps for kids and adults.

Lesson Prices
  Assistant Head Trainer
Private Semi-Private Private Semi Private
Non-Boarder $55 $55 $65 $55
Boarder $50 $50 $60 $50









   Ready to ride the hunter derby

Cara and King Arthur

Speedy Atticus